Lotka Volterra Model
The environmental system model is based on a Lotka Volterra type model in which environmental variables are included.
The model considers a series of species that interact with each other and environmental conditions that can favor or harm their development.
ID:(1893, 0)

Environmental model
If the generalized Lotka Volterra model is combined
$\displaystyle\frac{d n_i }{dt}= r_i n_i + \displaystyle\sum_j \alpha_{ji} n_i n_j$ |
with model for ambient effect
$ r_i = \beta_i + \displaystyle\sum_k^n ( \gamma_{ki} e_k + \delta_{ki} e_k ^2)$ |
an environmental model governed by the equation
$\displaystyle\frac{d n_i }{dt}=( \beta_i + \displaystyle\sum_k( \gamma_{ki} e_k + \delta_{ki} e_k ^2)) n_i + \displaystyle\sum_j \alpha_{ji} n_i n_j $ |
ID:(14277, 0)

Generalization of the $r_i$ factor of the Lotka Volterra model
The factor
If the factor
Whether or not the necessary resources exist will depend on
$ r_i = \beta_i + \displaystyle\sum_k^n ( \gamma_{ki} e_k + \delta_{ki} e_k ^2)$ |
The factor
ID:(14276, 0)

Generalization of the Lotka Volterra model
If the Lotka Volterra model is generalized to
$\displaystyle\frac{d n_1 }{d t }= r_1 n_1 + \alpha_{12} n_1 n_2 $ |
$\displaystyle\frac{d n_2 }{d t }= r_2 n_2 + \alpha_{21} n_2 n_1 $ |
can be written as
$\displaystyle\frac{d n_i }{dt}= r_i n_i + \displaystyle\sum_j \alpha_{ji} n_i n_j$ |
By way of generalization, we can leave the diagonal factor
ID:(14275, 0)