


ID:(1449, 0)

Arc traveled when rotating



If you observe a circle, its perimeter will be $2\pi r$, with the radius ($r$). If you have a angle variation ($\Delta\theta$), it represents a fraction of the total circumference, given by the expression:


the distance traveled in a time ($\Delta s$) corresponding to the arc under the angle variation ($\Delta\theta$) which can be calculated as this fraction of the total perimeter of the circle:

For these calculations, it is crucial that the angle is expressed in radians.

ID:(9879, 0)

Arc traveled


>Top, >Model

The position the distance traveled in a time ($\Delta s$) in a circular motion can be calculated from the angle variation ($\Delta\theta$) and the radius ($r$) of the orbit using the following formula:

$ \Delta s=r \Delta\theta $

Angle variation
$\Delta s$
Distance traveled in a time

If an object is at a distance equal to the radius ($r$) from an axis and rotates by ($$), which with the angle ($\theta$) and the initial Angle ($\theta_0$) is

$ \Delta\theta = \theta - \theta_0 $

it will have traveled an arc length the distance traveled in a time ($\Delta s$), which with the position ($s$) and the starting position ($s_0$) is

$ \Delta s \equiv s - s_0 $

This arc length can be calculated by multiplying the radius ($r$) by the angle, that is,

$ \Delta s=r \Delta\theta $


ID:(5302, 0)