Electrical Mobility



ID:(1527, 0)

Stokes force


>Top, >Model

The resistance is defined in terms of the fluid viscosity and the sphere's velocity as follows:

$ F_v = b v $

Stokes explicitly calculated the resistance experienced by the sphere and determined that viscosity is proportional to the sphere's radius and its velocity, leading to the following equation for resistance:

$ F_v =6 \pi \eta r v $

Radius of a sphere
Viscose force
$Pa s$

ID:(4871, 0)

Particle velocity in electric field


>Top, >Model

A charged particle q in an electric field \ vec {E} means that a force equal to

$ F = q E $

This force is opposed by a force due to the effect of the medium that can be modeled by Stokes law

$ F_v =6 \pi \eta r v $

If both forces are equalized, it is obtained that the particle moves with a constant speed equal to

$ \vec{v} = \mu \vec{E} $

with mobility equal to

$ \mu =\displaystyle\frac{ q }{6 \pi \eta a }$

ID:(11997, 0)

Particle mobility in electric field


>Top, >Model

To equalize the force caused by the electric field

$ F = q E $

with the opposing force that is modeled with Stokes law

$ F_v =6 \pi \eta r v $

the relationship is obtained

$ \vec{v} = \mu \vec{E} $

with mobility equal to

$ \mu =\displaystyle\frac{ q }{6 \pi \eta a }$

ID:(11998, 0)