Coil Induction


Lorentz's strength depends on the speed of the load. However, the same effect can be achieved by displacing the magnetic field. One way to do that is to move a magnet inside a bovine in which the movement of electrons is generated and with it a current. The phenomenon is called electrical induction and is the mechanism as current is generated in a generator.


ID:(819, 0)

Magnetic Field around a Wire



ID:(1933, 0)

Magnetic Field of a Coil



ID:(1935, 0)

Magnetic field strength of a coil


>Top, >Model

Si se observa el campo que genera una bobina se vera la similitud con el de un imán permanente. El campo depende de la corriente que circula por la bobina, de su largo y su numero de vueltas.

Por ello con el campo magnético se calcula mediante:

$ H_s = \displaystyle\frac{ N I }{ L }$

ID:(12166, 0)

Densidad de flujo magnético de una bobina


>Top, >Model

The magnetic field can calculate the number of turns N of the coil, the length of this L, of the current flowing through it I , of the permeability \mu and of the magnetic field constant \mu_0 by

$ B = \mu_r \mu_0 \displaystyle\frac{ N I }{ L }$

ID:(3875, 0)

Effect of a magnetizable Core



ID:(1936, 0)