Memoria a largo plazo a corto plazo (LSTM)
El modelo de números de pasajeros toma segmentos históricos y el valor que los sigue y busca reconocer el patrón para luego de cualquier secuencia inferir como continuará.
Código y datos
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Importar librerias
Importar las librerías necesarias:
import numpy import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense from keras.layers import LSTM from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
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Cargar datos históricos
Cargar los datos desde los datos international-airline-passengers.csv:
# load data data = pd.read_csv('international-airline-passengers.csv',skipfooter=5) data.head()
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Mostrar los datos históricos
Mostrar los datos:
# show data dataset = data.iloc[:,1].values plt.plot(dataset) plt.xlabel('time') plt.ylabel('Number of Passenger') plt.title('international airline passenger')
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Cambiar la forma y enumerar los datos
Cambiar la forma y enumerar los datos:
# reshape and list data dataset = dataset.reshape(-1,1) dataset = dataset.astype('float32') print(dataset)
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Re-escalar valores
Para mejorar la calidad del aprendizaje se procede a re-escalar los valores entre 0 y 1:
# scaling scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1)) dataset = scaler.fit_transform(dataset) print(dataset)
[0.7799227 ]
[0.6891892 ]]
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Generar los datos de entrenamiento y evaluación
El arreglo inicial es segmentado en un grupo de registros para entrenar y un segundo para testear el modelo generado:
# generate train and test data train_size = int(len(dataset) * 0.50) test_size = len(dataset) - train_size train = dataset[0:train_size,:] test = dataset[train_size:len(dataset),:] print('train size: {}, test size: {} '.format(len(train), len(test))) print(train)
train size: 71, test size: 71
[0.2992278 ]
[0.1911197 ]]
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Crear segmentos de entrenamiento
Se forman las secuencias X_train y el valor que le sigue y_train:
# creating a data structure with 10 timesteps and 1 output time_stemp = 10 dataX = [] dataY = [] for i in range(len(train)-time_stemp-1): a = train[i:(i+time_stemp), 0] dataX.append(a) dataY.append(train[i + time_stemp, 0]) trainX = numpy.array(dataX) trainY = numpy.array(dataY) print('trainX:',trainX.shape[0],',',trainX.shape[1],' trainY:',trainY.shape[0]) print('trainX=',trainX) print('trainY=',trainY)
trainX: 60 , 10 trainY: 60
trainX= [[0.01544401 0.02702703 0.05405405 0.04826255 0.03281853 0.05984557
0.08494207 0.08494207 0.06177607 0.02895753]
[0.18725869 0.19305018 0.16216215 0.25289574 0.23745173 0.25096524
0.3088803 0.38223937 0.36486486 0.2992278 ]]
trainY= [0. 0.02702703 0.02123553 0.04247104 0.07142857 0.05984557
0.25096524 0.3088803 0.38223937 0.36486486 0.2992278 0.24131274]
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Crear segmentos de evaluación
Se forman las secuencias X_train y el valor que le sigue y_train:
# creating a data structure with 10 timesteps and 1 output dataX = [] dataY = [] for i in range(len(test)-time_stemp-1): a = test[i:(i+time_stemp), 0] dataX.append(a) dataY.append(test[i + time_stemp, 0]) testX = numpy.array(dataX) testY = numpy.array(dataY) print('testX:',testX.shape[0],',',testX.shape[1],' testY:',testY.shape[0]) print('testX=',testX) print('testY=',testY)
testX: 60 , 10 testY: 60
testX= [[0.24131274 0.26640925 0.24903473 0.31467178 0.3185328 0.32046333
0.4073359 0.5019305 0.46911195 0.40154442]
[0.4980695 0.58108103 0.6042471 0.554054 0.60810804 0.6891892
0.71042466 0.8320464 1. 0.96911204]]
testY= [0.32818535 0.25675675 0.3359073 0.34749034 0.33397684 0.41119692
0.6891892 0.71042466 0.8320464 1. 0.96911204 0.7799227 ]
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Formar los tensores
Para entrenar se debe formar los tensores trainX y testX:
trainX = numpy.reshape(trainX, (trainX.shape[0], 1, trainX.shape[1])) testX = numpy.reshape(testX, (testX.shape[0], 1, testX.shape[1])) print('trainX=',trainX) print('testX=',testX)
trainX= [[[0.01544401 0.02702703 0.05405405 0.04826255 0.03281853 0.05984557
0.08494207 0.08494207 0.06177607 0.02895753]]
[[0.18725869 0.19305018 0.16216215 0.25289574 0.23745173 0.25096524
0.3088803 0.38223937 0.36486486 0.2992278 ]]]
testX= [[[0.24131274 0.26640925 0.24903473 0.31467178 0.3185328 0.32046333
0.4073359 0.5019305 0.46911195 0.40154442]]
[[0.4980695 0.58108103 0.6042471 0.554054 0.60810804 0.6891892
0.71042466 0.8320464 1. 0.96911204]]]
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Definir, generar y entrenar el modelo
Definir, generar y entrenar el modelo:
# model paxs_model = Sequential() paxs_model.add(LSTM(10, input_shape=(1, time_stemp))) # 10 lstm neuron(block) paxs_model.add(Dense(1)) paxs_model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam'), trainY, epochs=50, batch_size=1)
Epoch 1/50
60/60 [==============================] - 9s 759us/step - loss: 0.0249
Epoch 2/50
60/60 [==============================] - 0s 710us/step - loss: 0.0041
Epoch 3/50
60/60 [==============================] - 0s 710us/step - loss: 0.0026
Epoch 48/50
60/60 [==============================] - 0s 727us/step - loss: 8.7224e-04
Epoch 49/50
60/60 [==============================] - 0s 733us/step - loss: 0.0010
Epoch 50/50
60/60 [==============================] - 0s 724us/step - loss: 0.0012
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Pronosticar pasajeros
Pronosticar los datos del entrenamiento trainPredict y de los datos de testeo testPredict:
trainPredict = paxs_model.predict(trainX) testPredict = paxs_model.predict(testX) # invert predictions trainPredict = scaler.inverse_transform(trainPredict) trainY = scaler.inverse_transform([trainY]) testPredict = scaler.inverse_transform(testPredict) testY = scaler.inverse_transform([testY]) # calculate root mean squared error trainScore = math.sqrt(mean_squared_error(trainY[0], trainPredict[:,0])) print('Train Score: %.2f RMSE' % (trainScore)) testScore = math.sqrt(mean_squared_error(testY[0], testPredict[:,0])) print('Test Score: %.2f RMSE' % (testScore))
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Comparar valores pronosticados con reales
Finalmente se muestran los valores pronosticados y los reales:
# shifting train trainPredictPlot = numpy.empty_like(dataset) trainPredictPlot[:, :] = numpy.nan trainPredictPlot[time_stemp:len(trainPredict)+time_stemp, :] = trainPredict # shifting test predictions for plotting testPredictPlot = numpy.empty_like(dataset) testPredictPlot[:, :] = numpy.nan testPredictPlot[len(trainPredict)+(time_stemp*2)+1:len(dataset)-1, :] = testPredict # plot baseline and predictions plt.plot(scaler.inverse_transform(dataset), label='real') plt.plot(trainPredictPlot, label='training') plt.plot(testPredictPlot, label='forecast') plt.xlabel('time') plt.ylabel('Number of Passenger') plt.title('international airline passenger') plt.legend(loc='lower right')
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