Field lines


Faraday introduced a way to describe an electric field you can introduce the concept of field line. These are defined as a tangential line to the electric field vectors.


ID:(1498, 0)

Construction of field lines



Field lines are a way of making visible the electric field that arises with different charges. For this, a point is considered in the space \vec{x}_0 and determines the field at that point \vec{E}(\vec{x}_0). As we are only interested in the direction, the field is normalized with the length of the vector


With this address a ds step is considered and a new position \vec{x}_1 is calculated by


what is shown in the following graph:

ID:(11364, 0)

Two equal charges of different sign



Electric Field Lines of a Load

ID:(1904, 0)

Two equal charges of equal sign



Electric field of two equal charges

ID:(1905, 0)

Two different charges of different sign



Two-Load Electric Field

ID:(1906, 0)