Model of estimating ages
One of the models to study faces is Large Scale Face Dataset (UTKFace)
Webpage: UTKFace
# setup import numpy as np import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime, timedelta import os from tqdm import tqdm # import data df = pd.read_csv('../../tensorflow_datasets/utkface/extracted_info.csv') df.dropna(inplace=True) df = df[df['Age'] <= 90] df = df[df['Age'] >= 0] df = df.reset_index() df['Name'] = df['Name'].apply(lambda x: '../../tensorflow_datasets/utkface/UTKFace/' + str(x)) num_classes = len(df['Age'].unique()) df.head()
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Prepare libraries
To build the model we import the following libraries and define a routine to display the images:
import tensorflow as tf import keras from keras.preprocessing import image from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint,EarlyStopping from keras.layers import Dense, Activation, Dropout, Flatten, Input, Convolution2D, ZeroPadding2D, MaxPooling2D, Activation from keras.layers import Conv2D, AveragePooling2D from keras.models import Model, Sequential from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from keras import metrics from keras.models import model_from_json import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
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Statistics of the ages of the sample
Statistics of the ages of the sample
# age statistics df.hist('Age')
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Re-normalize age
As age is indicated in years, the lowest value is 1. However, the process has greater reliability if the scale begins at 0, so the age is renormalized by subtracting one:
# age statistics df.hist('Age')
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Information structure for training and testing
Structure the information for training and testing
# assignment of variables df_data = df.Name y_data = df.Age y2_data = df.Gender # form array X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(df_data, y_data, test_size=0.20, random_state=40) # show data d = {'Name':X_train,'Age':y_train} df_train = pd.concat(d,axis=1) df_train.head(3)
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Information structure to train and validate
Information structure to train and validate
# assignment of variables df_data = df_train.Name y_data = df_train.Age y2_data = df.Gender # form array X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(df_data, y_data, test_size=0.1, random_state=42) # show data d = {'Name':X_train,'Age':y_train} train = pd.concat(d,axis=1) train.head(3)
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Image processing
The images must be processed to develop the learning process:
# convert age to string train['Age'] = train['Age'].astype('str') df_test['Age'] = df_test['Age'].astype('str') val['Age'] = val['Age'].astype('str') # process images batch = 512 train_gen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255) test_gen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255) train_data = train_gen.flow_from_dataframe(dataframe = train, #directory = train_folder, x_col = 'Name', y_col = 'Age', seed = 42, batch_size = batch, shuffle = True, class_mode='sparse', target_size = (224, 224)) test_data = test_gen.flow_from_dataframe(dataframe = df_test, #directory = test_folder, x_col = 'Name', y_col = 'Age', batch_size = batch, shuffle = True, class_mode='sparse', target_size = (224, 224)) val_data = train_gen.flow_from_dataframe(dataframe = val, #directory = train_folder, x_col = 'Name', y_col = 'Age', seed = 42, batch_size = batch, shuffle = True, class_mode='sparse', target_size = (224, 224))
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Build sequential model
To assemble the model you can run
# define model model = Sequential() model.add(ZeroPadding2D((1,1),input_shape=(224,224, 3))) model.add(Convolution2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu')) model.add(ZeroPadding2D((1,1))) model.add(Convolution2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu')) model.add(MaxPooling2D((2,2), strides=(2,2))) model.add(ZeroPadding2D((1,1))) model.add(Convolution2D(128, (3, 3), activation='relu')) model.add(ZeroPadding2D((1,1))) model.add(Convolution2D(128, (3, 3), activation='relu')) model.add(MaxPooling2D((2,2), strides=(2,2))) model.add(ZeroPadding2D((1,1))) model.add(Convolution2D(256, (3, 3), activation='relu')) model.add(ZeroPadding2D((1,1))) model.add(Convolution2D(256, (3, 3), activation='relu')) model.add(ZeroPadding2D((1,1))) model.add(Convolution2D(256, (3, 3), activation='relu')) model.add(MaxPooling2D((2,2), strides=(2,2))) model.add(ZeroPadding2D((1,1))) model.add(Convolution2D(512, (3, 3), activation='relu')) model.add(ZeroPadding2D((1,1))) model.add(Convolution2D(512, (3, 3), activation='relu')) model.add(ZeroPadding2D((1,1))) model.add(Convolution2D(512, (3, 3), activation='relu')) model.add(MaxPooling2D((2,2), strides=(2,2))) model.add(ZeroPadding2D((1,1))) model.add(Convolution2D(512, (3, 3), activation='relu')) model.add(ZeroPadding2D((1,1))) model.add(Convolution2D(512, (3, 3), activation='relu')) model.add(ZeroPadding2D((1,1))) model.add(Convolution2D(512, (3, 3), activation='relu')) model.add(MaxPooling2D((2,2), strides=(2,2))) model.add(Convolution2D(4096, (7, 7), activation='relu')) model.add(Dropout(0.5)) model.add(Convolution2D(4096, (1, 1), activation='relu')) model.add(Dropout(0.5)) model.add(Convolution2D(2622, (1, 1))) model.add(Flatten()) model.add(Activation('softmax')) # load weights model.load_weights('../../tensorflow_datasets/utkface/vgg_face_weights.h5') # block first layers for layer in model.layers[:-6]: layer.trainable = False
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Form predictive model and assemble
Forecast layers are assembled and assembled with the base model:
# build prediction section base_model_output = Convolution2D(num_classes, (1, 1), name='predictions')(model.layers[-4].output) base_model_output = Flatten()(base_model_output) base_model_output = Activation('softmax')(base_model_output) # ensamble age model age_model = Model(inputs=model.input, outputs=base_model_output) age_model
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Dataformat for train, validate y test
To show the model is run summary:
# show structure age_model.summary()
Model: 'sequential'
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
conv2d_45 (Conv2D) (None, 30, 30, 32) 896
conv2d_46 (Conv2D) (None, 28, 28, 32) 9248
max_pooling2d_18 (MaxPooling (None, 14, 14, 32) 0
dropout_27 (Dropout) (None, 14, 14, 32) 0
conv2d_47 (Conv2D) (None, 12, 12, 64) 18496
conv2d_48 (Conv2D) (None, 10, 10, 64) 36928
max_pooling2d_19 (MaxPooling (None, 5, 5, 64) 0
dropout_28 (Dropout) (None, 5, 5, 64) 0
conv2d_49 (Conv2D) (None, 3, 3, 84) 48468
dropout_29 (Dropout) (None, 3, 3, 84) 0
flatten_9 (Flatten) (None, 756) 0
dense_9 (Dense) (None, 64) 48448
age_out (Dense) (None, 1) 65
Total params: 162,549
Trainable params: 162,549
Non-trainable params: 0
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Form model
Form model:
age_model.compile(loss=tf.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True) , optimizer=keras.optimizers.Adam() , metrics=['accuracy'] ) checkpointer = ModelCheckpoint( filepath='classification_age_model_utk.hdf5' , monitor = 'val_loss' , verbose=1 , save_best_only=True , mode = 'auto' ) target = df['Age'].values target_classes = keras.utils.to_categorical(target, num_classes) callback = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_accuracy', patience=3)
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Running training
To perform the training, you run:
history_2 = train_data, validation_data=val_data, epochs= 10, callbacks = [checkpointer], shuffle=False ) eff_epochs_2 = len(history_2.history['loss'])
Epoch 1/200
67/67 [==============================] - 15s 215ms/step - loss: 22.6157 - val_loss: 18.4468
Epoch 2/200
67/67 [==============================] - 14s 206ms/step - loss: 15.1609 - val_loss: 16.1411
Epoch 3/200
67/67 [==============================] - 14s 203ms/step - loss: 13.2656 - val_loss: 11.5077
Epoch 4/200
67/67 [==============================] - 14s 203ms/step - loss: 11.9682 - val_loss: 15.2756
Epoch 5/200
67/67 [==============================] - 14s 205ms/step - loss: 11.3574 - val_loss: 10.7042
Epoch 6/200
67/67 [==============================] - 14s 206ms/step - loss: 10.3004 - val_loss: 15.9495
Epoch 7/200
67/67 [==============================] - 14s 205ms/step - loss: 10.3693 - val_loss: 9.1207
Epoch 8/200
67/67 [==============================] - 14s 206ms/step - loss: 9.6405 - val_loss: 12.4468
Epoch 9/200
67/67 [==============================] - 14s 205ms/step - loss: 9.5810 - val_loss: 11.9415
Epoch 10/200
67/67 [==============================] - 14s 208ms/step - loss: 9.7127 - val_loss: 10.0224
Epoch 11/200
67/67 [==============================] - 14s 207ms/step - loss: 9.0834 - val_loss: 12.9822
Epoch 12/200
67/67 [==============================] - 14s 205ms/step - loss: 9.1098 - val_loss: 11.2629
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Run validation
Para evaluar se corre la validación:
B = age_model.predict(test_data) output_indexes = np.array([i for i in range(0, num_classes)]) apparent_predictions = np.sum(B * output_indexes, axis = 1)
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Consult a predicted case
To review the development, you can call any of the records and check the estimated and real age:
df_test['Weighted_Avg'] = apparent_predictions argmax = [] for p in B: predm = np.argmax(p) argmax.append(predm) df_test['ArgMax'] = argmax df_test.to_csv('Final__wtd_avg')
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Store models
To store a model, execute the save command:
# almacenar modelos directory = 'F:/go/face_scrapper/faces/age_model_20210723'
INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: F:/go/face_scrapper/faces/age_model_20210723\assets
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