Answer the Checklist
At the end of the class, the teacher checks if all the points to be addressed were addressed. In case of missing, the omitted points must be replaced.
It is important not to address checklist points that were already addressed during the class. It is important that the student is paying attention and consult/discuss at the appropriate time.
ID:(406, 0)
Access to a pending Checklist
To access a pending checklist, you must select the item Pending from the checklist menu:
Access to a pending Checklist
The system then loads the list of pending checklists in their current state. Therefore, if the checklist is in the process of being opened and has not yet completed the process, it will appear as closed. In the case that it is finished opening later you must reload the page to be able to enter it.
ID:(7096, 0)
Access to Checklists
If when you access the pending checklist you will find the answer button in red means that the checklist has not yet been released to be answered.
ID:(8274, 0)
Código de seguridad
Para evitar que personas contesten la checklist en forma remota es necesario que el docente indique el código de seguridad que permite grabar la respuesta ingresada.
Tras 5 minutos el docente dictara un numero de 6 digitos tras el cual los alumnos deben de guardar el ersultado. Tras 30 segundos de dictado el código la checklist se cierra no pudiendo ingresarse otra respuesta.
Una vez el servidor ha recibido la respuesta devuelve al sistema lo que ha grabado lo que se presenta en pantalla al estudiante. Esta imagen es el comprobante de que la respuesta fue recepcionada en forma satisfactoria.
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