


ID:(1194, 0)

Download Geant4


The base program and the data are downloaded from the web page:


At the top are the tablets of the code itself in both the tar (linux) and zip (windows) formats.

>GNU or Linux tar format, compressed using gzip (33.3Mb, 34884065 bytes)

>After downloading, gunzip, then unpack using GNU tar.

>Download ZIP format (46.8Mb, 49050019 bytes)

>After downloading, unpack using e.g. WinZip.

Apart from this it is advisable to download the data that the simulator uses and which are under the heading data.

>G4NDL4.5, Neutron data files with thermal cross-sections - version 4.5 (402.2MB)

>G4EMLOW7.3, data files for low energy electromagnetic processes - version 7.3 (71.4MB)

>G4PhotonEvaporation5.2, data files for photon evaporation - version 5.2 (9.6MB)

>G4RadioactiveDecay5.2, data files for radioactive decay hadronic processes - version 5.2 (1.0MB)

>G4SAIDDATA1.1, data files from evaluated cross-sections in SAID data-base - version 1.1 (25.2kB)

>G4NEUTRONXS1.4, data files for evaluated neutron cross-sections on natural composition of elements - version 1.4 (2.1MB)

>G4ABLA3.1, data files for nuclear shell effects in INCL/ABLA hadronic mode - version 3.1 (104.8kB)

>G4PII1.3, data files for shell ionisation cross-sections - version 1.3 (4.1MB)

>G4ENSDFSTATE2.2, data files for nuclides properties - version 2.2 (283.8kB)

>G4RealSurface2.1, Optional data files for measured optical surface reflectance - version 2.1 (126.0MB)

>G4TENDL1.3.2, Optional data files for incident particles - version 1.3.2 (558.0MB)


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Installing the C ++ compiler


In the case of linux it is recommended to install the GNU Compiler Collection 4.8.4 or higher what can be done via the command line with

>sudo apt update

>sudo apt upgrade

>sudo apt install build-essential

In the case of Apple you must install Apple Clang (Xcode) 8 or higher what can be done with the command line:

>xcode-select --install

In the case of windows you can work with Visual Studio that can be downloaded (free) from



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Install CMake 3.3 or higher


In the case of linux it is recommended to install CMake from the Software Manager.

> Software Manager

For the case of Apple and Windows you can download the file to install from the website



ID:(9426, 0)

Install Geant4 in Linux


First you have to first create a base directory that could be


and then unzip the tar file in that directory.

Then you must create the geant4.10.04-build directory using

>cd ~/workspace/geant4

>mkdir geant4.10.04-build

If the content is listed with the command ls, it is obtained that

>geant4.10.04, geant4.10.04-build

Then proceed to the installation directory

>cd ~/workspace/geant4/geant4.10.04-build

and the cmake command is executed:

>cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/workspace/geant4 ~/workspace/geant4/geant4.10.04

setting the mode with

>cd ~/workspace/geant4/geant4.10.04-build


where the point is key (space + point).

As long as no errors arise, it must be created under the direct share and geant4-10.4.a directory data


in which all particulars data are copied:











and it is decompressed. After again running the command cmake for the installation to recognize the data

>cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/workspace/geant4 ~/workspace/geant4/geant4.10.04

it proceeds to run the installation that in a computer with two cores is

>make -j2

being able to be superior to 2 according to the equipment. Finally the command is executed:

>make install


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Problems and solutions


In case the problem arises:


just install the corresponding library:

>sudo apt-get install libexpat1-dev

If graphical routines are needed and you want to work with OpenGL, it can be installed with

>sudo apt-get update

>sudo apt-get install freeglut3

>sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev

>sudo apt-get install binutils-gold

>sudo apt-get install g ++ cmake

>sudo apt-get install libglew-dev

>sudo apt-get install g ++

>sudo apt-get install table-common-dev

>sudo apt-get install build-essential

>sudo apt-get install libglew1.5-dev libglm-dev

Then he runs

>glxinfo | OpenGL grep

to verify the installation.


ID:(9427, 0)