Radiation and temperature balance


The objective of the practice is to study the effect of the different parameters of the model on the temperatures of the earth's surface, lower part and upper part of the atmosphere. The parameters correspond to the degree of coverage and the different albedos of the earth and atmosphere.


ID:(570, 0)

Study of fluctuations



To study the effect of parameter variations in the model, each value should be examined within a 10% range of variation.

The range is determined based on the current value $v$ as follows:

Lower value: $v_1 = 0.9 \cdot v$.
Upper value: $v_2 = 1.1 \cdot v$.
The temperature fluctuations are then observed for these values:

Value for the decrement case: $t_1$.
Value for the increment case: $t_2$.
The temperature variation is estimated using the formula:

$\Delta = \displaystyle\frac{2(t_2 - t_1)}{(t_1 + t_2)}$

It is important to consider both the magnitude and the sign of the variation.

ID:(7228, 0)

Simulador Balance



Segun la orbita terrestre y las coordenadas del lugar desde el que se observa se tiene la intensidad de la luz solar según epoca y hora del día.

- logitud
- latitud
y estudie el resultado

O explore situaciones hipotéticas como
- cambio de inclinación del eje del planeta
- otra órbita (ejemplo otro planeta)

ID:(6831, 0)

Simulador radiación y temperaturas



El simulador permite jugar con los parámetros claves y ver cual es el efecto sobre las temperaturas de

- superficie del planeta
- parte inferior de la atmosfera
- parte superior de la atmosfera

Se ingresas los valores calves de la órbita del planeta como los albedos y coberturas de este y su atmósfera. Las gráficas exploran el efecto sobre la temperatura de fluctuaciones de estos.


ID:(9633, 0)

Solar radiation fluctuation study



What is the variation in surface temperature when solar radiation fluctuates by 10% relative to the current value?

ID:(7229, 0)

Surface albedo fluctuation study



What is the variation in surface temperature when the surface albedo increases or decreases by 10% relative to the current value?


ID:(7230, 0)

Atmosphere albedo fluctuation study



How much does the surface temperature vary if the atmospheric albedo changes by 10% from its current value?


ID:(7231, 0)

Visible coverage fluctuation study



What is the variation in surface temperature when the visible coverage increases or decreases by 10% relative to the current value?

ID:(7232, 0)

Infrared coverage fluctuation study



What is the variation in surface temperature when the infrared coverage increases or decreases by 10% relative to the current value?


ID:(7233, 0)

Convection fluctuation study



How much does the surface temperature vary if convection changes by 10% from its current value?


ID:(7234, 0)

Transmission fluctuation study



What is the variation in surface temperature when the transmission changes by 10% relative to the current value?

ID:(7235, 0)

Emissivity fluctuation study



How much does the surface temperature vary if the emissivity changes by 10% with respect to a value such that its maximum is equal to 1.0?

ID:(7236, 0)